
The crop is an organism

We understand that the most important part for the successful farming business is to manage the crop production in a way that serves the objectives and we want you to know that we are working as a partner and we are there for you to help your team accomplish the goals achievement and the profit that you all deserve.

  • GIVE YOUR CROP THE CARE IT DESERVE: The basic feature of the farming activities is dynamic, as the crop is an organism that requires water, food and care to grow normally and achieve its targets. The crop care started from choosing the proper land and doing the land preparation properly. Our experts are aware enough about how to choose the proper land to the targeted crops or choose the proper crops to the targeted land. The crop care requires balanced fertilization, applying the optimum irrigation water and protective pest control. We are experts in all these sides and we are closer to what produced the market serving that.
Crop care is very vital factor for the crop cultivation success to achieve the targeted productivity and profitability.

Key Benefits

Our Qualifications

Our experts have high academic certificates in that part further to the yearly activities in the science of crop production and care. Our experts are managing huge crop care over thousands of hectares in Egypt, Sudan and Saudi Arabia for almost 20 years. Managing 10,000+ acres for different crops under various land and weather conditions has strengthened us in that part and made us confident year by year. 

Our Capabilities

Based on the crop production done for thousands of hectares we are capable of delivering you what would be planned. Our experts are capable of creating and implementing accurate crop production care as required to maintain the crop productivity and insure the operations performance.

Our Commitment

We are committed in front of our customers that the crop production is managed properly in the most cost effective manner.